StuMin is for students in grades 7–10.


student lifegroups

Sundays 10:30 am | Student Worship Center

LifeGroups are available for students in grades 7-10 on Sundays at 10:30 am. In addition to meeting weekly, students meet off-campus throughout the year with their grade- and gender-specific LifeGroups. Our amazing team of leaders has each been assigned a group of students to pray for, connect with, and hold the occasional off-campus social. LifeGroup leaders send regular emails about upcoming socials and information is posted below and on the Student Ministry App. 

Back 2 School Bash

August 14 | 6:45–8 pm | Student Worship Center

Join us for our Back2School Bash to kick off our Midweek Hangouts for Fall 2024! Students will be grouped into color teams and compete in a Summer Olympics-inspired race featuring a variety of games and challenges. Enjoy BBQ sandwiches, music, teamwork, competition, and a chance to win a drone. Most importantly, there will be a clear and bold gospel presentation, making this the perfect event to invite friends and neighbors to! Wear clothes and shoes you can be active in. This event is free and no registration is required.

MDWK hangout

Resumes August 21 | 6:45–8 pm | Student Worship Center

MDWK is back and better than ever! Students in grades 6-12, join us Wednesday nights at 6:45 PM for an evening packed with fun and friends. Enjoy dinner and games, followed by an incredible time of worship and a message designed just for you. Invite a friend and experience what Northeast Students is all about!

MDWK Parent Preview

August 21 | 6:45–8 pm | Student Worship Center

With a new ministry structure for Northeast Students, we want to provide parents with a glimpse into what their 6-12th graders will experience on Wednesday nights. Join us on August 21 for a special, one-time Parent Preview as we kick off our Fall 2024 MDWK series: The Parables of Jesus. This is a fun and simple way for moms and dads to become more informed and involved as the primary disciplers of their students. You might end up enjoying it just as much as your student!


The Student Ministry App is your best resource to stay up-to-date with events, announcements, and resources for parents and teens. Download our App HERE!