Welcome to Northeast Houston Baptist Church!
My name is Coleman Philley and I am the Senior Pastor here. God is doing great things at Northeast, and I hope you come and experience His presence and power for yourself.
I have a passion for preaching sermons verse-by-verse through the Bible that show God’s Word to be relevant for all of life. We do this because of an unapologetic commitment to God’s Word that authentically balances both grace and truth.
Every Sunday, we gather with the hope that we may exalt Jesus and encounter Him as Lord of our lives. We have two identical Sunday services, 9:00 and 10:30 am, and small groups for all ages during each of the service hours. There is a place for you here at Northeast! As you discover who we are as a church family, my ultimate prayer is that you discover who Jesus desires to be in your life.
Regardless of what you believe, I’d love to meet you and help you take whatever your next step of faithfulness may be. If you have any questions, please reach out to us on our Contact Us Page or call us at 281-812-8688
I look forward to seeing you soon at Northeast!

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