Local evangelism and global missions is a passion of our congregation
25% of our budget is allocated to missions
Northeast Houston Evangelism
Northeast Houston community center:
NEHCC is a physical needs mission that encompasses a block and a half of Houston's Eastex-Jensen area. We serve hundreds of families every month through mercy ministries, including a food pantry and clothing closet.
Jericho Project:
Our church currently does Jericho Project, our door-to-door evangelism initiative, once per quarter on a Saturday morning. God is currently using this strategy in the life of Northeast to impact our community as well as our membership. Learn more about Jericho Project here.
Church Planting
Each time we plant a church we give a full-time pastor, 50-70 of our members, and up to $500,000. In 2017 we planted Emmanuel Baptist Church in New Caney, Texas. In 2019, we planted Cross Family Church in Denver, Colorado. In 2021, we planted Cross Community Church in Houston's Eastex-Jensen area.

Global Missions
We feel called by God to take the gospel to Unreached and Unengaged People Groups. We currently have long-term commitments overseas in Asia, Europe, Africa, and Indonesia. We offer many short-term mission trip opportunities throughout the year. Click here to learn more.