Northeast Route 56 Ministry
Route 56 is an exciting ministry for our 5th and 6th graders. Students meet on Sunday mornings and engage in high-energy games, Bible study, Bible memorization, and community building. This ministry serves as a transition from the Children's Ministry into the Student Ministry.
Beginning August 11, 2024, 5th graders will be part of Northeast Kids Ministry and 6th Graders will be part of Northeast Students.

Wednesdays beginning August 14 | 6:45-8 PM | Upstairs
Northeast Kids MDWK kicks off August 14! MDWK gives kids ages 2 years through 5th grade a weekly Wednesday night gathering to find community and grow in their faith. There is no cost for MDWK, but registration is required. Sign your child up for 2024-25 Kids MDWK today!
Register for Kids MDWK